Top 10 Alzheimer’s cures (plus prevention) THEY don’t think we know

Top 10 Alzheimer’s cures (plus prevention) THEY don’t think we know by:  for Natural News

It was about 15 years ago that the iconic whistle-blower Kevin Trudeau’s book hit the shelves called “Natural Cures ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About.” He blew the whistle big time on the crooks at the FTC and the FDA, and “they” didn’t like it one bit. He bragged on video infomercials about his organic breakfast, with organic this and organic that. Everything was about organic. The FDA hated him. They persecuted him. Now nobody hears from him.

Trudeau called out all the foods and medicines that cause dementia. He named natural treatments through supplements, raw organic whole food and holistic medicine. Dementia is on the rise, though. Who remembers what he said? What to do? “Natural Cures” was a bestselling book, and so was part II.

Image: Top 10 Alzheimer’s cures (plus prevention) THEY don’t think we know

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Top 10 easy, non-invasive and NATURAL ways to prevent and even reverse dementia 

#1. Silica can be used to remove aluminum from the blood and brain.

#2. Stop consuming and injecting aluminum (think antacids, antiperspirants, tap water, vaccines). Fluoride in tap water also calcifies your third eye, or pineal gland, that produces melatonin.

#3. Stop consuming canola oil (even if it’s organic or expeller-pressed it still coagulates in human body, blood and brain).

#4. Stop consuming GMOs and conventional produce that contains chemical pesticides, including the herbicide glyphosate found in Roundup and “Roundup Ready” crops.

#5. Coconut oil can be consumed to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

#6. Stop cooking with aluminum cookware.

#7. Don’t use aluminum foil.

#8. Keep using your brain to constantly learn new things so it can create new neural pathways.

#9. Check into aluminum chelator therapy to pull heavy metal toxins from your body (also look into cilantro and chia seeds as chelators).

#10. Light and sound can now be used, thanks to recent technological advancements, to help clear and remove plaque in the brain.

Simple daily mineral spritzer detoxifies the human body of aluminum at amazing rate

Aluminum exposure causes neurofibrillary tangles – those exact protein types found inside the brains of so many Alzheimer’s victims. Whether you put aluminum on your skin (think antiperspirants), inhale it (think fumes, toxic sprays), or inject it (think nearly all vaccines today, including flu shots), aluminum finds its way into the blood stream. Period. That science IS settled.

Then the aluminum cruises through your iron transport hub (system), and guess where it goes from there? Wait for it… straight to your brain. So they say there’s no cure, huh? What if we all stop ingesting aluminum, for starters, including all those dirty vaccines?

Researchers at Keele University discovered that a simple spritzer of the right kind of mineral water can detox the body of aluminum. Get this: Researchers tested 15 patients with Alzheimer’s to see if they drank one liter of silica-rich Malaysian water for just 13 weeks, what would happen? Cognitive decline came to a grinding halt, and the spritzer cleared out more than 70 percent of their aluminum build-up. Three of the participant’s mental health improved. How about “them apples?” Natural medicine, hoorah.

Check out the Waking Times recent posts about scientists clearing Alzheimer’s plaquefrom the brains of patients using nothing more than LIGHT and SOUND. Here are a few quotes from their ground-breaking and prolific dementia prevention and cure research.

“Out of all the Alzheimer’s disease drug treatments tried to date, chelation using an aluminum chelator has been shown to be one of the most effective therapeutic strategies yet.”

“There’s also evidence that suggests that a number of natural plant extracts and nutrients can prevent and/or reduce aluminum toxicity in the brain and prevent the progression of memory loss and other cognitive deficits.”

Please, nobody tell the corrupt CDC, FDA or AMA about this amazing new non-invasive way to prevent and cure dementia, or they’ll buy it, mess it up, patent the bad version, say it doesn’t really work, and then ban anyone else from ever testing it again.

Scientists at MIT this year figured out that a low-pitched buzz and some strobe lights can create certain brain waves that dementia has consumed, and by doing this plaque (harmful clumps of proteins lodged in neural pathways) is removed and voila!… cognitive functioning returns. This has been tested in mice, but not yet for humans, so cross your fingers. Remember, don’t tell anyone (hint, hint) because this will be cheap, drug-free and surgery-free.

Lastly, have a social life, no matter what age you are, and even when you’re a “senior citizen” – just keep challenging your brain. Even if you forget a few things, your new critical thinking and discoveries will create new neuron activity like a huge tree with thousands of branches and leaves. That’s called schema. It’s proven by science that if you keep challenging your brain, you can prevent dementia.

Learn More – Natural News

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